
課程分類 課程名稱 上課時間 授課學校 開課狀況
生活藝能-國際語文類 全美語-生活美語入門 星期一 19:00-21:30 中正社區大學 招生中
授課講師 Helen P.
課程費用 學分費3000元,新生製證費100元,報名費200元,學員團體意外保險費:春、秋季班200元
其他費用 講義費150元
授課地址 臺北市濟南路一段六號
理念目標 利用簡單讀達到不怕與外國人講英文
教學方式 1.PowerPoint檔案教學 2.上課討論 3.分組練習討論
師資介紹 1.臺北市高職英文老師、補習班英文會話老師 2.臺北市中正社區大學英文會話老師 3.美國ELS英文會話老師
選課要求 能與老師與同學互動,不怕說錯。
備  註 ※本表單僅供參考,正確資訊以中正公告為準,如有不便請多包涵
週次 主題 內容
第一週 Lets Go Beginning English, Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary, reading, grammar
第二週 Lets Go Beginning English, The Great Outcoors Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第三週 Lets Go Beginning English, Hopes and dreams Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第四週 Lets Go Beginning English, School Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第五週 Lets Go Beginning English, Indoors outdoors Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第六週 Lets Go Beginning English, people/ Future plans/work and play Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第七週 Lets Go Beginning English, Food Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第八週 Lets Go Beginning English, At the zoo Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第九週 公民素養週 原課程停課,需選讀至少一門公民素養課程
第十週 Lets Go Beginning English, The weekends Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第十一週 Lets Go Beginning English, The future/ Seasons Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第十二週 Lets Go Beginning English, The five senses/ New experiences Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第十三週 Lets Go Beginning English, School days Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第十四週 Lets Go Beginning English, weekend fun Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第十五週 Lets Go Beginning English, Going shopping/ around town Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第十六週 Lets Go Beginning English, Explore the world/ Doing things Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第十七週 Lets Go Beginning English, About me Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar
第十八週 Lets Go Beginning English, In the Future Lets start s, Reading topic, Ask and answer question, vocabulary reading, grammar